The Silver Lining
There is an upside to all this mayhem named Trump. It starts with each American digging deep down in their psyche and questioning how they live their life and whether it's time for a change. All the protesting and whining in the world will not overcome the fact that enough registered voters made the effort to vote for Trump to make him president. Popular vote be damned, it's Déjà Vu all over again and we didn't even require a supreme court debacle this time around. And to the grand masses, the 47% of registered voters who didn't bother to show up, or those who made their little squeak of protest by voting for a third party candidate, I say, you get what you deserve.
The system is broken, but it has been for a very long time. Trump is a symptom, not the cause. So many factors accumulated into this perfect storm and each and every individual contributed. The spineless women who kept quiet when Trump groped them in hopes of furthering their careers, or were just not brave enough to stand up for what is right. The democratic party machine that derailed Bernie in favor of greasing the skids for Hillary, when it seemed apparent to me, he was on track to bump Trump out of the ring on the final showdown. To the GOP who looked like the Keystone Cops playing both sides of the fence who opened up a clear path for Trump to march right down. If Cruz and Rubio and a third rate Bush were all you could come up with, it's no wonder Americans backed a bloviating, egomaniac who vocalized their pain and frustration.
To the Hillary camp, who it turns out ignored Bill Clinton's advice to pay heed to the suffering blue collar rust belt states, that may have been your one fatal move which could have changed the outcome. Instead, her camp simply conceded defeat in those areas by ignoring them. It is a well known fact that Bill Clinton knows how to energize the masses and get elected to the highest office in the land, twice. By choosing to do it "her way" Hillary sealed her own fate. She made no effort to inspire or ignite a spark during her appearances and set her campaign on cruise control, choosing to believe there was no way the majority of voters would choose a clown with no political experience as our president.
I was looking forward to the team of two Clintons in the white house; they are both super smart and experienced. But the baggage broke their backs, and it turns out while his appeal remains in the stratosphere, hers is mired in muck.
The upside, for those who choose some introspection, is to mobilize for your beliefs. Act locally and reach beyond your own interests investing time and effort in the betterment of your community. Protesting the outcome of the election is a futile waste of time, just as spending $5 million on an obscenely decadent ring instead of donating to worthy causes which benefit humanity is a crime of ego. We are a nation of spoiled brats, blaming others for our misfortune, lying and failing to do the right thing in favor of our own personal gain. And now, we have elevated a crazed psychopath to lead our nation. Is it really any wonder?
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