
samedi, octobre 15, 2016

The Emperor Has No Brain, and a Heart of Darkness Americans are so blinded by their hate for Hillary Clinton, they are willing to choose as their president a man who has no regard for anyone, man or especially woman, beyond his own demented interests.  He has been gaming the system his whole life, including bankruptcies and subsequent bailouts for failed ventures, screwing contractors out of payments and escaping the average soul's due of paying taxes.  In his spare time he bulldozed his way "Bill Cosby" style through myriad of women he came in contact with, often by specific design such as Master of the Miss Universe Pageant.  Throwing his weight around, he boldly felt his way around as many as he could get his hands on.  And just like Bill Cosby's victims, he knew with his status, none would utter a word, publicly at least, lest they subject themselves to the usual name calling and blame the victim accusations. 

The party of "family values" would apparently look the other way if their wives or daughters were manhandled by someone of high status for fear of falling out of favor or missing out on a plum business deal.

Many of these women were groped, and worse, in a time when women were still putting up with much, much more than they, hopefully, would today.  If a man put his hand up my skirt in a bar or on a plane, my first reaction would be to slap or punch him, then declare it to those around me rather than shamefully recede into the background or run away.  I know people are sheep and hate to "get involved" but I have enough faith in humanity to think that if the man in the first class cabin who witnessed Trump's disgusting, brazen behavior saw the same thing nowadays, he'd say "what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

Those still backing Trump for president are in dire need of an antidote to wake them from their stupor.  He appeals to the lowest possible denominator of his supporters, the racist, misogynistic, narcissistic traits they now feel fully comfortable wearing as a badge of honor and patriotism.  Today they are wallowing in the glory of their most uneducated, hateful, ignorant selves. 

The mob mentality of "Hillary for Prison" simply because they can't stand the thought of a woman as president is a frightful commentary of just how far we've progressed as a society.  Your true colors are showing folks, and they're not pretty.

My underlying hope is that every woman who's ever been objectified, violated, groped, patronized, or much worse, which by the way includes each and every one of us, will rise up in full force and shout, in no uncertain terms, this man is unfit to serve our country and declare an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution.  The hate and insanity may be contagious, but they are also personal choices.

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