This is the first time since before I moved west, 1977, that Montana has mattered on the national political scene. Since the Obama/Hillary neck and neck race shows no signs of letting up, they're making the rounds to the rural small states this time around. Which is a real bonus for us political buffs who like to see our candidates up close and personal. Now all I have been hearing for a year is what a pair of rock stars these two are in person, so I had to go and judge for myself. And suprise, they both are. However, Clinton still holds the edge for me. She just gives off an air of confidence after spending 8 years in the White House like she knows what is expected of the president, and how those situations are handled. Bravo Hillary. So I'm still, idealistically no doubt, holding out for an '08 Clinton/Obama ticket, to be repeated in 2012 and then an Obama/Tester? or Obama/Schweitzer ticket the next two go rounds. Oh well, I can hope at least!