
samedi, février 13, 2016

Onward, Always

Starbucks makes me want to write.  Something about all the singletons working away on their isolationist devices.  I'm no different of course. Waiting for the folks next door to finish my Uber inspection; it is nearly the last step in my journey to becoming a fleet member.  I may ditch it after a month.  Or if it turns out exceeding my expectations, I may shitcan my day job.  We shall see.

Anxious anticipation about my upcoming trip with my quirky travel mate.  I must admit, the treacherous possibilities enhance my excitement, but also instill a curious desire to see how it all plays out.  Never a dull moment and I'd better keep up the pace, lest I suffer a dressing down.  I am a resilient trooper willing to pay the emotional price for my adventures.  For as long as he is willing to continue these forays into new territory, I am in it for the long haul.  The crushing pain and anguish which come from an intimate relationship with a uniquely brilliant, yet often infuriating, unicorn of a man, are outweighed by the sheer dynamics of living a life which often feels like an adventure novel.