After endless weeks of smoke filled air due to record breaking Montana fires, we've taken a sharp turn into winter. No "Indian Summer" this year I'm afraid. Two days of snow mandated I shovel my corner lot sidewalk and methinks I'll get to break out the shovel again in the morning.
It feels as though the bad karma brought upon us all by the collective stupidity of a large enough number of dolts to elect Donald Trump is raining on us all. And we in Montana are the lucky ones, just smoke and early snowstorms, spared from the waist deep floodwaters and catastrophic hurricanes suffered by so many recently.
The bar of acceptable behavior is so low as to be buried deep underground near the core of the earth. While the #metoo rallying cries have caused some rotten fruit to be banished to the outer limits, the giant turd in the White House, the scummiest scumbag of them all, still reigns...for now.
Robert us Obi-Wan're our only hope.