
jeudi, janvier 01, 2015


The calendar clicks from one year to the next.  You stand at a point in time, take stock of the events of the past year and then peer forward into the year ahead. And it seems the midway point of a decade poses a special significance, producing a hyper-awareness of the swift passage of time.  

I am not one for resolutions; those wishful thinking, pie in the sky, momentary fantasies people pin false hope on.  But I am not a pessimist.  Rather, I set out goals, both realistic and attainable, then I formulate a reasonable path leading to my destination.  This tried and true pragmatism serves me well and avoids the pitfall of setting myself up to fail.  

Call me crazy, but I think each person carries a duty to follow their passions.  Striving to be the best version of yourself builds self esteem and inner strength.  Keep your eye on the ball, consciously make choices that realize your vision and steer clear of destructive forces that lead into the abyss 

Do not ever give yourself second billing in your own life.  Seek what fulfills you, muster the strength and desire to work for it, and live your life always posing the question: will I regret it if I do/don't do "this" and let the answer guide you.  The simplest answer is usually the right answer.