
samedi, mai 03, 2008



Through my adult years of traveling I’ve always noticed a tendency of height challenged men flying the planes. Call it Short Stature-Big Bird syndrome if you like. Perfectly understandable to me: you’ve always been the little guy so you get back at “them” by flying jumbo jets.

Well, I’ve traveled quite a few times with my children and had mentioned this observation to them. My daughters especially laughed at me, said I was imagining it and then would further point out each tall pilot as we made our way through the terminals.

So of course today they were not with me as I traveled my way back to Montana from Boston. Last minute travel arrangements dictated especially long layovers and as I didn’t care to get a book or a newspaper I spent hours watching the people cruise by. And among them were dozens and dozens of pilots, a clear majority belonging to the five foot seven and under crowd. Miniature men marched by in their pilot caps and black trench coats with their little roller bags trailing behind them. Now I notice these men not just because I’d love to prove my own theory, but because I have an especially fond spot for shorter men. I don’t know why that is but it may be rooted in the fact that my dad was six two and a half and has always represented to me what NOT to look for in a man.

So as I’ve spent this long day traveling back from what can only be described as a monumental week of family history, I’ve smiled many times as I spied another shorty strolling by.

vendredi, mai 02, 2008

Girls Making Movies

Just watched Two Days In Paris, Julie Delpy's first movie as director. Nice first effort, a funny, painfully realistic view of the insecure, psychopathic nature of most boy/girl relationships. Then I saw Matthew Broderick on David Letterman this week out promoting Helen Hunt's directorial debut which looks very promising. I hear Colin Firth also co-stars, reason enough for me to shell out $7.50. And of course there's the funny and oh so talented Tina Fey who's latest effort, Baby Mama is supposed to be pretty funny, even if it is more of a chick flick. (SNL really suffers since she's moved on.) This brings us to the awesome realization that more and more women are sinking their teeth into movie making, not just starring as the pretty leading lady. It's about time the "boys club" gave way to an equal forum for both sexes. And who couldn't be excited by the prospect of more quality movie offerings?

dimanche, avril 27, 2008

Getting Back to Normal

It's been a wild ride the last couple of months but things are settling down now and spring is visibly trying to take hold, FINALLY! Spent the weekend doing more housecleaning, shredding old bills, gathering the brush from last years garden and making an effort to give myself an attitude adjustment. Still feeling disappointed in the male species however, and becoming more and more reluctant to do to any online introductions since I've had such dismal results so far. No interesting men in the "real world" either, unfortunately. I don't think it's just me though, I do believe people are getting more and more isolated from each other. Just the fact that you can't paruse the faces of the other drivers because of tinted windows is depressing. I guess it's time to face reality. I was happy to see Rafa won a fourth straight Monte Carlo title, even if it wasn't televised. Another final with Federer would've been nice to see, but alas, not a big enough event. Plus such shit like the big NFL draft, NBA finals and lots of baseball take priority. I was also happy to hear my brother has gone back to work full time after the November aneurysm that nearly took his life. The stars were obviously aligned for him.