
jeudi, janvier 12, 2006

Tennis, Travel & the Supremes

Bummer! Rafael Nadal is out of the Australian Open, kind of glad I didn’t buy those tickets when I thought seriously about it. Maybe next year. Agassi is out too. A rematch of those two would be priceless, but may never be realized. Have decided the way to go is LAX to Honolulu, stay a couple days in HI each way. Still a long, long plane ride from HI to Sydney or Melbourne, but certainly more doable. Figure I’ve always wanted to go both places, so could kill 2 birds with one stone and not be up 38,000 feet for 18 straight hours. Either that or just 6.5 hours Boston to Paris, and still make the requisite stop off to see family coming and going. Nothing solid yet, but it will be. Actually just a few clicks and a few bucks away, quite a few bucks really, but why the hell not. If not now, when?? Still young and willing and ready for an adventure. Of course there’s always Wimbledon for my birthday. Actually the possibilities are endless if I use my imagination.

Alito will be confirmed to the Supreme Court. I'm just hoping once he's actually sitting on the court he'll value the judicial more instead of supporting ways to subvert it's power. I think the constitution is magical and becomes a more sacred document once they know they're the gatekeepers of the document. Maybe the executive branch will appear too big for it's britches once he's looking down from the bench. I hope so.

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