
mercredi, juin 01, 2016

So Much Beauty...So Much Pain

Our world is like a gaping wound of exposed nerve endings.  Our world is bursting all around with robust beauty and wonderment.  Those parallel tracks run through every second of each day.  Excruciating pain, injustice and unthinkable violence coupled with the deep overwhelming love for those we cherish in our home and professional lives and the joyful microseconds they bring to us each day.

More shootings in the news today, a murder suicide at UCLA, two San Francisco cops shot in a traffic stop gone bad.  And more, so many more.  You could not keep count if you wanted to; no one wants to.  And these include only stateside events.  Looking beyond our coddled American borders, the countless stories increase in horrific magnitude. 

If I didn't know better, I'd say we are all sleepwalking through some sick, tragic comedy.  There is no other explanation for the how and why of Donald Trump.  A bloviating egomaniac poised as a potential next president of the United States is beyond absurd.  But why? What feeds the mentality of a public supporting such a crass, insane megalomaniac?  There is a disconnect from reality for so many voters.  How can a man who would squash all the dreams of the poor and disadvantaged, of minorities and the paycheck to paycheck crowd, fulfill some ill conceived fantasy that he can lead a nation?  He has led several companies and a "university" of ill repute into the ground.  Why would anyone with half a brain trust him to rise above the role of a control freak boss, pointing his finger and declaring "you're fired!" on network TV?

These truly are the dark ages.  In so many ways.  I think in 100 years, history will not be kind to this era of the early 21st Century.  Assuming civilization survives the next 100 years.  I think at this point, there is serious doubt about the future of Planet Earth. 

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