
samedi, novembre 08, 2014

Time to Look at the Pot Wars with a New Perspective

The berlin wall of legalization is falling. You can face it and deal, or keep resisting. If you approve of adults having access to alcohol, to consume at will and in excess, why, oh why would you not afford that same freedom to those who prefer pot? Because it is freedom we're talking about here. 

Would you rather drive on a highway filled with those who've been drinking or those who've been smoking pot? The pot smokers are the ones going 20 mph in the breakdown lane. The drinkers are the ones who will hit you head on going 90 down the wrong side of the freeway. A moot point usually, as the pot smokers will be home chillin' with friends, watching youtube videos, playing video games or grooving on some music. 

The ones opposed to pot legalization are by and large those who never tried it in college like the rest of us who don't share their fear. Fear of the unknown is understandable, disliking the high of pot and not indulging is fine, but projecting your fear onto others because you're freaked out is not acceptable.

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