
lundi, avril 07, 2014

Vaccination Hysteria

I have visions of Pro-Vaxxers rallying that each child, from the ripe old age of a few weeks old and on into adulthood (and beyond?) be strapped to a gurney and forcibly vaccinated, parents wishes be damned.  Maybe the anti-vaxxers are really hated because they refuse to go with the flow like lemmings over a pharmaceutically induced cliff.  Anything that puts billions in the pockets of pharmaceutical giants, anti-depressents are a good example (Read Cracked for a great discourse on just how this happens) should be looked upon with a skeptical gaze.  Follow the money.

There are and have been serious consequences for some children vaccinated and not due necessarily to any previous or current impurities, just your run of the mill drug reactions.  You can look on the CDC's own website to see the many chronicled cases of death after an immunization reaction.  To blindly make this into a black and white, you're wrong, I'm right issue is less useful than taking a more nuanced approach.  And to all the Pro-Vaxxers who scream outrage about the "public good," just be sure your kids are vaccinated and they'll have nothing to fear from the renegade masses of the non-comformists.

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