
vendredi, septembre 22, 2006

Bush is the Devil

Okay, so why all the fuss about Hugo Chavez exercising his first amendment rights to call Bush The Devil? And now the Right Wing media is promoting the idea to boycott Citgo Gas since it's based in Venezuela; there's even a call from a Boston City Councilman to remove the historic Citgo sign from Fenway Park in protest of Chavez's blunt remarks at the UN. Could it possibly be that when Chavez spoke those words, they rang so true to all who heard them uttered, right and left wingers alike, that the knee-jerk reaction was outrage? I've seen even lefty liberals like Rachel Maddow scold Chavez for his name calling. Hey people, it's just a name, it's not like he's dropped bombs which left our country in ruins, smashing our infrastructure, or caused the deaths of tens of thousands and turned our young military personnel into torturers and murderers, incited a civil war and imprisoned hundreds with no regard given to the Geneva Conventions or Uniform Military Code and has no plan as to how we'll extract ourselves from an ill conceived and unjustified war. Anyone with half a brain, if they really analyze the facts, can understand why other nations, lots of other nations, indeed do consider Bush the devil incarnate. It's just that Chavez had the guts to stand up and say what so many others are thinking.

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