
mercredi, mars 16, 2005

Free Speech

Free speech is a funny thing. Everyone agrees in principle that they’re for it until someone exercises theirs to criticize or disagree or just plain voice an unpopular opinion, then everything changes. Look at the recent Ward Churchill debacle. However one may view his opinions expressed regarding 9/11 you have to revel in the fact that such a right exists to express that opinion. When the most outrageous or controversial members of our society exercise their right to express themselves, whether it’s nonsense or truly progressive, we as a society grow stronger. Public discussion of ideas and theories is how we’ve evolved this far as a society. 

Recently the hate mongers1 came to Helena to express their opinions to all who would listen, and the local Helena community responded and took the opportunity to likewise express their opinions. The result was a prime example of free expression in a public forum. I would hate to see that forum jeopardized. As Salmon Rushdie said recently on his Montana visit when you squash free speech you sensationalize and give power to that speech when it may otherwise shrivel up on its own were it to see the light of day. 

All individuals have the responsibility for independent investigation of the truth and free expression of ideas is how to make an informed opinion of where that truth lies. Only then can the issues be truly judged on merit, or lack thereof.1 is their self titled website

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