jeudi, décembre 06, 2007
Inspired to write by my Walking Girl
I haven't written lately but now I'm inspired.
1. Into the Wild is a very good film, Sean Penn doesn't disappoint and the fact that it seems they shot on every location the fellow went helps to keep you in the spirit of his travels. Very sad of course, but he saw a lot in his short life, lots more than many people.
2. On regular excercise - when I tell folks I run regularly I sometimes mention that I go rain/shine/cold/heat etc. because if I started using excuses not to go, pretty soon I'd be a full time couch potato. And as is, I've been watching way too much of the Home & Garden channel to inspire the work on my house. Anyway, this last week we had snow, thaw and freeze which made for some treacherous conditions. I go pretty slow when it's glare ice. I mentioned to a co-worker that, yes, I usually fall once a season. Well now everything is bare and dry after several 40+ days, but last evening, (and it wasn't even fully dark), I was running past this young couple and just as I came up on them they kissed, I looked at them for a second and WHAM down I go on the sidewalk, scaring them and scraping my knee. It was a little embarassing, but oh well, just glad it wasn't worse than a scraped knee. There are so many uneven sidewalks it doesn't even take ice to be dangerous. So hopefully that's my fall for this season, got it out of the way early.
3. About that house stuff, well I may actually be ready to work on the kitchen floor which has been bare of the carpet, and ugly as hell, for about 2 years. I've always wanted ceramic tile but the expense of the subfloor, installation and tile has been prohibitive. So I've decided to go for vinyl tile, which has come a long way in the last dozen or so years. No sub floor required, just a really level starting surface, and I can cut it and lay it myself, unlike the ceramic which takes a special water saw to cut. So I'm deciding on a color and will spend this weekend scraping the old glued paper off. Should be fun. But hey, no social life, it should be a really productive weekend!
4. Speaking of social life, after the torturous date last week, I emailed a fellow in LA who was appealing and noted I'd be in LA end of January. Well he writes this curt note back that he hasn't done long distance romance since college and he'd pass. Who said I wanted a romance I replied, I'm just looking to meet some interesting men as Montana is slim pickings, and p.s. WHEN NOT INTERESTED, best to not reply at all ASSHOLE! Well I skipped the asshole part and was very polite and civil, but hopefully he got the point. The Thumper rule "when you don't have anything nice to say...."
5. That's it for now. Posted the waxwing pix I took while in Bozo last weekend, and another "Little Crazy" one of me. I guess we're all a little crazy, but boring would be worse.
vendredi, novembre 09, 2007
Odds & Ends
Okay, been totally ignoring my blog so figured I'd do a short update.
Michael Clayton
Last night was the last showing so had to go. Clooney and Tom Wilkenson are both very good in this very engrossing film. And unfortunately it's pretty true to life I'm afraid when it comes to the morals and evils associated with a lot of big corporations. The lengths they'll go to to make money no matter the risk to the public's health is disturbing. Just today I see Merck is paying out huge sums of money from the Vioxx scandal. Clooney's "kid" does a great job too, I think we'll see more of him. At least 2 other films I'd like to see this weekend, we'll see.
Home Improvements
So, I've been engrossed in painting my front entry way and upstairs and even though I'm not done the difference is substantial. Also working on changing around the art in the house, went to get 4 black mats for 4 black and white photos. One didn't fit so I'm substituting my one with Sting. I figure why the heck not? It's a great pix and it's been hidden away for almost 20 years. Also been experimenting with black and white settings on the digital camera. I want to do some small black and white photos for the upstairs bedroom walls which I have dark red mats for. The pale apricot paint job looks great with the new bedding, a dark red-colored coverlet and sham. The yucky blue carpet though has got to go. Now I'm thinking up so many projects I could probably work through the winter and not get it all done. Such as changing out the bathroom overhead light fixtures and putting in a fixture in my bedroom which is a plain bare bulb in the ceiling. And, finally I bought a simple black frame for my Paris Abstract which I'll do up this weekend. I think it will look smashing! It's about time as I did cart it home on the plane Aug '06.
So keeping real busy, not to mention the crazy as usual job. Went out w/a friend to hear the local blues band again this week. They did almost completely different stuff which was refreshing, I was afraid it would just be a repeat of a couple weeks ago. The place was packed too, who knew in Helena on a Wednesday night. I'm trying to say "yes" every time I'm asked to go do something. Figure if I'm serious about becoming more social I'll have to make an honest effort. Did see a couple of interesting characters, plus a couple of local characters I already know which was quite interesting, but I'll keep their secrets.
Trying to plan ahead, still hoping for Indian Wells tennis in March but the cost may not allow. Who knows, maybe I'll get to see Rafa play live yet.
mardi, octobre 16, 2007
vendredi, septembre 21, 2007
dimanche, septembre 16, 2007
Up Close and Personal
I've been going to concerts for a very long time since the first one when my younger brother John won 6th row tickets to Three Dog Night in Boston Garden when I was 14 and he was 12. I made him take me since I was standing there urging "call in, call in", my logic was, hey if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have known to call. Honestly at 12 I'm not sure my folks would've let him take the train into Boston with another 12 year old anyway. So, after years of good to pretty good seats to such folks as Rolling Stones, U2, Pearl Jam and hundreds more, I've never been in the very front, by which I mean there is no person in front of you, except the band a few feet away up there on stage. This was our reward for going very early to Santa Barbara to apparently an area where the locals are not just crazy about Modest Mouse the way we are. The bowl is small, only 4700 capacity, and still there were last minute tickets available. In Montana at a venue in Missoula, they sold out in ten minutes and I never could get tickets. So, needless to say when we were there in line with about 20 other people at around 5 pm we figured we'd be close, but after a little jockeying with a "kid zone" they allowed us all the vantage point that everyone should experience at least once in their life. Modest Mouse put on a terrific show, they were so fun to watch so close doing this synchronized dance that produces these intricate intensely energetic tunes. The new ones from We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank like "Fire it Up" and the old familiar ones like "Float On' really presented the total package for the attendees. The intensity of Isaak Brock's tortured vocals which comes through on their albums was notched up even more in person. The duel drummers dressed in their striped sleeveless sailor shirts and the slew of hurricane lamps set the "ship's" feel for the show. And the dueling lead guitars back and forth with such beauty and grace was a joy to watch. Isaak certainly plays a guitar like no one I've ever seen, it's suprising he doesn't break several strings each show. The best shows evoke a spiritual experience and this one did. To feel totally engulfed in the musical magic that is going on between the six players is very special. I'm glad that when I get the urge to take a chance and buy the tickets for an event I know I'll love that I just do it. This show goes down as one of my all time favorites. Modest Mouse plays like no other band, a unique entity with brilliant writing and a style of playing unlike any other band.
lundi, septembre 10, 2007
Montana Tourist Attractions
mardi, septembre 04, 2007
Working Weekend in Paradise
However, it's still working through the weekend. So, as much as I love the outdoors and pristine mountains, sitting in endless meetings all weekend still sucks. The food was fantastic and the cabins very cozy, hearing the coyotes howling on the hills and I believe I heard one elk bugle a single time. I lied awake a few moments waiting for more, but never heard any. I believe this is my last work "retreat" as I seriously doubt I'll last another year at this job. Just time to move on.
lundi, août 27, 2007
jeudi, août 23, 2007
Okay, I've been taking the lazy road
and posting only pictures lately from my awesome new digital camera that I'm still figuring out. So I'll sit down and write a bit. No new action on the internet dating scene, although I did email a fellow on CL who's living in Switzerland for the next ten years and is looking for visitors. He was in Missoula this a.m. so he never even made it to Helena, but hey it was worth the try, I've heard Switzerland is awesome. Did see a fellow I used to work with in the early 90's on Yahoo Personals who's single now. I had a major crush on him but he was married at the time. So now he's single and looking. If I could just remember his last name I'd be tempted to call him and say hey, as I believe he had a bit of a crush on me too. Never did get a call from the Vermonter last weekend, oh well. I'm sure he'll call eventually, and I could call him too as I have the number. Work is settling down a bit gearing up for the big board meeting. Good thing it's in such a beautiful setting, otherwise it would be pure torture sitting for 3 days. I do hope there's no snow this year, a little sunshine would be welcome. At least the abundance of world class food and plenty of wine will ease the pain a bit too. Can't decide if I should venture a one day marathon trip to Yellowstone this weekend or not. Otherwise when I get so close for the board meeting without being able to go down to the park it will suck. So, I'm still debating. Last episode of season 3 of the L Word will arrive Friday along with season two opener of Weeds. I just love Mary Louise Parker and what's his name, Kevin Neelin? in that. The L Word is pretty stingy with the man on woman action but has plenty of girl/girl which I guess should be expected. I did like the filmmaker who was spying on Jen and Shane though, although his stint is apparently over this season. So just learned of a free internet dating site which I checked out. Apparently I'm the last one to know about it as all the Helena men I've seen on Yahoo and MySpace are all right there on fish. Not sure I want to "dive" in again to that scene, such poor response it's a blow to my ego. Well, at least I can look into Mr. Blue Eyes' eyes at the upcoming weekend thing. I hope my eyes don't betray all the various thoughts I've been having about him.....
samedi, août 18, 2007
vendredi, août 10, 2007
dimanche, juillet 29, 2007
I Know I Live in a Dry Climate
samedi, juillet 28, 2007
Those 40-Somethings With Big Ideas
Okay, I've been mulling on this for quite a while now. As I navigate the Internet sites I come upon an abundance of 40 something men, never married, no kids, who now think they're ready to settle down. Of course it has to be a much younger woman as any 40 something woman who's just now figuring she's ready for kids is screwed. They brag that they have no baggage, no alimony payments, no pesky kids to take their attention away from that perfect woman they're finally ready to settle down with. Is this clueless or what?? They also want the woman to have "waited" for them, a fresh clean slate they can scribble all over. What they don't get is that most women who want kids, just find a decent guy and take the plunge and do it. These guys who've never seen fit to take a chance on love have a big red flag pasted to their foreheads. Never found a girl worthy of your giant ego? Never let yourself be vulnerable enough to take that leap of faith and commit to one of the many women you've surely loved or at least half-assed loved? Everyone wants a level playing field in love: you've got an ex? I've got an ex - as long as neither of us is still sleeping with ours, we'll deal with it. You've got kids who you'd give your right arm for? Hey, guess what me too. You think you're perfect with your lack of baggage? Well think again, we've all got baggage. You don't need an ex or kids to have the requisite baggage. Believe me if you're over 40 and you haven't been living in a cave for the last 20 years, you've got baggage. So while you've deluded yourself into thinking you're the ultimate catch, I think any woman worth her salt wants to know the guy's been out there living all these years before she met him, he's loved and lost and grown up and taken stock of his life. He's got a realistic view of himself and the world and knows relationships are hard work and pure hell at times. They say women are all waiting for their Prince Charming, but I really think it's these 40 somethings who are waiting for their fantasy woman to appear. Strange how men and women have changed roles in so many ways over the last 20-30 years. Strange and SCARY!
dimanche, juillet 22, 2007
vendredi, juillet 20, 2007
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